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How To Get More Tasks On TaskRabbit

TaskRabbit is a great way to make some extra cash, but if you want to get more tasks on TaskRabbit, there are a few things you can do. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to get more tasks on TaskRabbit and reaching more potential clients. So whether you’re a TaskRabbit newbie or veteran, read on for helpful advice!

Stand Out With Your Profile

When you sign up for TaskRabbit, you’ll be asked to create a profile. Do everything you can to fill out all the fields and add as much information as possible. Your profile is your opportunity to introduce yourself to potential clients and show off your skills. Be sure to include a clear photo of yourself and any relevant certifications or qualifications.

– If you’re a licensed electrician, be sure to add that in your bio.
– If you have a $1,000,000 insurance policy, put that in your bio.

One way is to offer additional services that other Taskers don’t mention in their profiles. For example, if you’re handy around the house, mention in your profile that you’re available for small home repairs in addition to odd jobs and errands.

Complete Your Profile & Add Photos

Another way to make sure you’re getting hired more on TaskRabbit is to complete your profile and add photos. A complete profile shows potential clients that you’re serious about finding work, and photos help them see what you look like and build trust. Unfortunately, a lot of taskers only have a low quality selfie that they took while sitting in their car. Uploading a high quality image of your face is one of the easiest ways to show your clients who you are.

Use Keywords In Your Skill Bios

When potential clients are looking for someone to hire on TaskRabbit, they will tend to use keywords to search for someone with the right skillset. Make sure that your profile includes relevant keywords so that you can be easily found by clients who are looking for someone like you.

– If you specialize in assembling IKEA desks and chairs, be sure to include those keywords in your skill bio.
– If you really enjoy working outdoors and like to assemble basketball hoops and trampolines, make sure that those keywords are in your skill bio.
– If you really enjoy small move jobs in/out of storage units, be sure to communicate that in your bio.

I have absolutely noticed an influx of new clients when I’ve changed my bio to include certain key words and phrases. Adding something as simple as “I love to assemble playgrounds.” could help you get more tasks on TaskRabbit building playgrounds and play places.

Add More Skills

Adding more skills is another great way to get more tasks on TaskRabbit but you need to have the right skills. IKEA furniture assembly is one of the most popular tasks on TaskRabbit. If you can put together IKEA furniture quickly and efficiently, you’ll be in high demand. Delivery is another popular task, and being able to lift heavy objects and navigate city streets is a plus. As the weather changes each season, yard work and removal tasks are likely to become more popular.

If you have more skills than you are currently offering, increasing your skills can help you get more tasks.

Increase Your Availability

One of the easiest ways to get more tasks on TaskRabbit is as simple as making yourself more available. This might mean working longer hours and being available for work on more days. Try to set your availability two weeks in advance so that potential clients can plan around your schedule. Being flexible is also important. If the client is looking for some work over the weekend but you don’t have that time available within the tasker app, consider working on a weekend if it means that you’ll land the task and a potential long term client.

Turn On Same-Day Availability

On-demand services have become increasingly popular in recent years. More and more people are looking for same-day solutions to their everyday needs. If you’re looking to get more tasks on TaskRabbit, one of the best things you can do is to make yourself available for same-day tasks. This not only makes you more convenient for clients, but it also demonstrates your willingness to go above and beyond to exceed their expectations. In an on-demand world, being available on short notice is a valuable commodity that will help you get more tasks.

Increase Your Work Area

One of the easiest ways get more tasks is to expand your work area. It doesn’t require any writing or uploading photos. All you have to do is draw a bigger circle on the Tasker app. By increasing the radius around your location, you will be able to reach more potential clients. By increasing your work area, you will be able to reach more potential clients and increase your chances of getting hired.

Offer Competitive Rates

Before the great algorithm change of 2022, full-time Taskers could easily make a living from TaskRabbit. Now, it’s not quite that easy. TaskRabbit is a marketplace, which means that there is competition for tasks. You need to offer a competitive rate in order to increase your chances of being hired. Understand the going rates for the tasks you’re offering and price accordingly. You don’t want to price yourself out of the market, but you also don’t want to undercharge and devalue your services. If you’re not sure what to charge, take a look at other Taskers’ profiles for guidance.

Get Positive Reviews

Finally, one of the most important things you can do to get more tasks on TaskRabbit is to get good reviews from previous clients. Be sure to do a good job and communicate well so that clients will leave you positive reviews. These reviews will help you stand out from the competition and show potential clients that you’re worth hiring.

When I am finishing up a task and communicating with the client how it all works when I submit my invoice, I tell them what happens next. I let them know that they will be prompted about a tip and that while tips are always appreciated, I am more interested in a 5-star rating and a quality review because it helps me to get more tasks.

Avoid directly asking but let them know that it helps you to continue to provide quality service to clients just like them in your city.

Market Yourself Off Platform

While it is a violation of the TaskRabbit ToS to take work off of the platform, it’s NOT a violation to market your tasker bio online and in person. This can be on social media, your own website, on YouTube, etc. Here at Help With Tasks, we offer premium taskers the ability to market their tasker profiles for as little as $99 a year.

One of the benefits of doing this is that if you don’t get booked on the TaskRabbit app, you can always direct people to contact you directly.

Use Your Promo Code

When I first started tasking, I never thought that anybody actually used the promo codes. I was wrong. I actually use them a lot with friends and family when I am trying to get new clients or to get existing ones to hire me again. With prices for everything on the rise, these codes offer meaningful discounts to potential clients. By offering a discount, you are more likely to get more tasks on TaskRabbit.

Ask Clients To Favorite You

Repeat business is a key component of any good business model and TaskRabbit is no different. Clients are more likely to hire a quality tasker that they have worked with in the past rather than hire a new one. Asking to be added as a favorite is a simple way to make yourself stand out from other Taskers, and it can ultimately lead to more work and higher earnings.

This is best suited for occasional work where the client will pay your current rate when they book you. If they want to hire you on a regular basis, you can always ask them if they are interested in doing ongoing tasks to keep the chat open and your rate locked in.

Invite Clients To Ongoing Tasks

If you enjoyed working with a particular client, let them know that you’re building a clientele that you’d like to work with more consistently. Ask them if they would be interested in keeping the task open as an ongoing task so they can hire you more easily in the future. Not only does it provide you with a list of your own clients but it also doesn’t put as much pressure on you or the client if you’re unable to help them with the task. This can also help you reduce your task cancellations if a task is beyond your skillset.

Note: When you mark a task as ongoing, the rate for that task is locked in so be sure that it is high enough for you to be able to sustain continued work at that rate.

Cross-Promote Taskers

Another great way to get more tasks on TaskRabbit is by cross-promoting high quality taskers that you have worked well with before. This not only helps to provide a more qualiy service for your clients but it also helps tasks to go more smoothly.

I have promoted other taskers when the client was looking for a skill that I don’t offer, when my schedule doesn’t line up, when I am out of town/traveling, or when the client needs to hire multiple taskers for a larger job.

It helps to get the contact info of other high quality taskers that you have worked well with and trust so you can coordinate more easily. Just make sure that they are willing to promote you if you’re willing to promote them.

Become An Elite Tasker

Becoming an elite tasker is no small task (pun intended). It requires completing 200 tasks within the app and maintaining a certain level of excellence and completing a certain number of tasks in any given skill. Once you achieve elite tasker level, you receive a small badge on your profile that helps you to stand out to clients when they are booking

Avoid Cancelling Tasks

When you’re new to TaskRabbit, it can be tempting to cancel tasks that you realize may be outside of your skill set. While this is understandable, it can also lead to negative consequences for your TaskRabbit account. To avoid these negative consequences, only accept tasks that you’re confident you can complete successfully. If you’re ever unsure about a task, reach out to the client for clarification before accepting the job.

If you do need to cancel a task, be sure to do so as soon as possible and provide a detailed explanation for why you’re cancelling. With clear communication and a commitment to only accepting tasks you can complete successfully, you’ll be on your way to becoming an elite Tasker in no time.


There’s no guaranteed formula for success, but following these tips will help you to get more tasks on TaskRabbit and increase your earnings. Be sure to stand out with your profile by filling it out completely with quality photos and keywords. Increase your availability to work more days and even consider same-day availability. Grow your work area and offer more competitive rates. Go the extra mile to get positive reviews. Market yourself off-platform with a website, social media or with your promo code. With a little effort, you will be well on your way to becoming an elite tasker and maximizing your earning potential.